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Schulenburg Campus - Dietary Manager’s Program


饮食管理人员帮助医院计划和准备营养膳食, long-term care facilities, schools, and a host of other foodservice operations. 从威尼斯人博彩的课程中获得了更高的技能, 你可以获得一个证书,使你有资格获得更高的职位, better pay, 并增加了在餐饮服务行业继续教育和发展的长期机会. 我们的课程主要是为在医疗保健机构工作的具有领导和管理潜力的餐饮服务员工设计的.

该计划得到了营养协会的批准 & 餐饮服务专业人员(ANFP),在舒伦堡校区独家提供. 扎实的教育基础是顺利完成课程要求的必要条件. 在你开始课程之前,建议你有高中文凭或GED.

Blinn's respected certificate program is:

  • Guided by leaders in the industry.
  • Available in a hybrid format.
  • Successful completion rates exceed online programs.
  • 以帮助学生在清洁发展机制认证考试中脱颖而出而闻名

About Blinn's Dietary Managers Program

As part of the certificate program, you'll complete 150 hours of classroom work, 此外,您还将获得150小时的工作/现场经验,并由合格的专家指导, called a preceptor. 你的导师将协调你的现场经验, check assignments, 在课程结束前评估你的表现并写一封推荐信. 学生负责安排一个合格的导师-通常从他们的设施.

  • 在150小时的现场经验中,有50小时是规定的
  • For the precepted hours, 25个营养小时必须由RD负责,25个餐饮服务小时必须由RD负责, DTR, or CDM, CFPP

Class Schedule and Attendance

The class meets two days per month, is one year long, and is divided into three separate sessions; successful completion of all three is necessary to receive the certificate. (This is not a sanitation certificate.你可以在任何时段开始课程(如下所列), 但是你必须在课程开始的时候开始上课. 班级会议日期可在下面链接的登记表的第三页找到.

Medical Nutrition Therapy - begins in January

Managing Food Service Operations - begins in May


出勤是强制性的,在12个月的课程中,你只允许缺课两天. 每节课的成绩必须达到70%或以上. 学生必须完成所有的必修课程、实习经验和教学时数 & 以70%或更高的分数通过每个会话以获得证书.


  • Tuition for the three-session course is $924.
  • 需要两本教科书,可以直接从
  • 测验和考试需要一个四功能计算器(没有手机应用程序)!)
  • 前往学校的时间超过两个小时的学生应该考虑过夜住宿和膳食的费用.

Professional Certification

学生有资格成为ANFP Pre-Professional会员. 毕业生将符合由营养和食品服务专业人员协会(ANFP)制定的标准,有资格参加认证饮食经理考试. Upon successful completion of the CDM exam, students will earn their CDM, CFFP, and qualify for ANFP Professional membership. 有关清洁发展机制资格考试的更多信息可在以下网址找到

Meet the Faculty

Registration Form

Textbook Ordering Information


Is this an approved course?

Yes! The Dietary Manager’s Program at Blinn College, 舒伦堡校区已经得到了营养协会的全面认可 & Food Service Professionals (ANFP):

PO Box 3610, St. Charles, IL 60174

Phone: 800-323-1908


What time do I have to be in class?

Class begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. and breaks for lunch. Class ends between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

What should I bring to class?

Bring the required textbook, pen or pencil, 4-function calculator, and paper or spiral notebook to take notes. Most students find a highlighter very helpful.

我开了几个小时的车来上课,需要在这里过夜. Is there a convenient place to stay in Schulenburg?

Yes. 在IH-10号舒伦堡出口的视线范围内,有三家酒店, all are less than two miles from campus. 这是大舒伦堡商会的链接 你在哪里可以找到有关该地区酒店的信息和许多有用的信息.


  • 如果你的车里有转弯驾驶辅助设备,我们的地址是 100 Ranger Drive, Schulenburg, Texas 78956.
  • From the Schulenburg exit of IH-10, go south on Rt. 穿过两个红绿灯,穿过铁路地下通道. 左转到布莱克街或南街. 穿过两个住宅路口,你就会看到威尼斯人博彩-舒伦堡校区.
  • Driving north on Rt. 从哈莱茨维尔开77号,在南街或布莱克街右转. 穿过两个住宅十字路口,你就会看到布林-舒伦堡校区.

Related Links


  • Schulenburg Campus
  • Loraine Orellana
  • Phone: 979-743-5237
  • Fax: (979) 705-7296